Five Eyes Crumbling? AUKUS Faces Uncertain Future Amid Geopolitical Shifts

Australia has been a core member of the Five Eyes intelligence, and further strengthened by the Aukus partnership alliance alongside the United States, Britain,...

AUKUS Tests Game-Changing Autonomous War Machines!

Introduction to Autonomous Warrior 24 In a major step toward enhancing maritime security, the United States, Australia, and the United Kingdom (AUKUS) have successfully completed...

AUKUS at Three: Advancing Security and Innovation in the Indo-Pacific

Three years ago, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia launched a security partnership called AUKUS. This alliance...

Testing Trilateral Maritime Capabilities: A Key Step Toward AUKUS Collaboration

The Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research & Engineering (OUSD(R&E)) recently held an event to show...

Historic AUKUS Submarine Maintenance Begins at HMAS Stirling

Personnel from the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) and Australian industry have embarked on a historic Submarine Tendered Maintenance Period...