HomeUSAIraq and U.S. Strengthen Security Ties in Cooperation Dialogue

Iraq and U.S. Strengthen Security Ties in Cooperation Dialogue

The second US-Iraq Joint Security Cooperation Dialogue was led by the US Department of Defense (DoD) and the Iraqi Ministry of Defense. This took place in Washington, D.C., on July 22-23, 2024. This event announced their commitment to security cooperation. And underscored their shared interest in regional stability. The dialogue brought together high-level officials from both nations. In order to discuss various aspects of their bilateral security relationship. Which comes under the 2008 U.S.-Iraq Strategic Framework Agreement.

High-Level Meetings and Discussions

Minister of Defense Thabit al-Abbasi met with U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin. They were joined by representatives from the Defense Security Cooperation Agency, the National Security Council, U.S. Central Command, and the State Department. The Iraqi delegation included the Chief of Defense. He had separate meetings with General Charles Q. Brown, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and other senior defense officials.

These discussions aimed to boost Iraq’s security and defense capabilities. They also focused on improving cooperation on various issues. The goal is to promote the shared interests of both countries, which include Iraq’s security, sovereignty, and regional stability.

Building on Previous Dialogues

The 2024 Joint Security Cooperation Dialogue builds on discussions from Iraqi Prime Minister Sudani’s visit to Washington, D.C., in April. It also follows the first Joint Security Cooperation Dialogue held last summer. During the first dialogue, both sides agreed to create a bilateral Higher Military Commission (HMC). The HMC’s job was to analyze the threat from ISIS, operational needs, and the capability of Iraqi security forces. This analysis aimed to decide the future of the international military coalition in Iraq. The second dialogue continued this work, noting the upcoming ten-year anniversary of the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS’s mission in Iraq.

Ensuring the Defeat of ISIS in Iraq

The United States and Iraq said they will keep working together to defeat ISIS. They recognized the Coalition’s important work in Iraq and honored the millions of victims of ISIS. This includes those hurt or killed while fighting ISIS, such as Iraq’s security forces, the Peshmerga, and international partner troops like those from the U.S. Both countries agreed that Iraq should keep supporting the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS in Syria and around the world.

Advancing U.S – Iraq Bilateral Relationship

The delegations agreed on a new plan for working together on security. This includes using liaison personnel, training, and regular security programs. They looked at ways to make Iraqi security forces stronger with help from the U.S. This includes buying and financing military equipment from the U.S. Both sides said it’s important to keep working together to make sure the U.S.-made military equipment used by Iraqi forces lasts a long time.

Improving Military Education and Training

The delegations saw how important it is to have good military education and training programs. They agreed to make both stronger. They talked about getting Iraqi troops more involved in regional military exercises led by U.S. Central Command. This will help improve Iraq’s military connections with different parts of U.S. Central Command. They also decided to start working on a new agreement to improve their security relationship and ensure they keep defeating ISIS.

Supporting Sovereignty and Security of Iraq

The delegations confirmed that the advisory mission in Iraq is there because the Iraqi government invited them. This mission helps support Iraq’s sovereignty and security. It aids the Iraqi security forces in their fight against ISIS and helps develop their capabilities, including the Kurdish Security Forces. The Iraqi representatives promised to protect U.S. and international Coalition personnel, advisors, convoys, and diplomatic facilities.

Way Forward

The delegates also highlighted the urgent need to return displaced people and detainees from northeast Syria to their home countries. As well as to help unite the local Iraqi communities. Their return would prove to an important action in the battle against ISIS.

The second Joint Security Cooperation Dialogue got successfully completed. It highlighted the growing cooperation between the two countries. This includes the Iraqi-led long-term defeat of ISIS and broader security cooperation activities. The U.S.-Iraq bilateral relationship promotes regional stability. Along with promoting the commitment of both nations to achieve their overall Strategic Framework Agreement.

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