Exercise Joint Sea-2024: China and Russia’s Latest Naval Drills in the South China Sea

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In a significant display of military cooperation, China and Russia commenced Exercise Joint Sea-2024 in early July. By conducting live-fire naval exercises in the waters and airspace near Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province, South China. This exercise is part of their annual military engagement plan and bilateral agreement. This reflects a deepening strategic partnership between the two countries in response to evolving global dynamics.

A Demonstration of Strategic Resolve in Exercise Joint Sea-2024

Exercise Joint Sea-2024 aims to showcase the resolve and capabilities of China and Russia in addressing maritime security threats. According to Senior Colonel Zhang Xiaogang, spokesperson for China’s Ministry of National Defense, these maneuvers aim to maintain global and regional peace and stability. He stated that these operations will further deepen the comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination between China and Russia in the new era. And emphasise their importance in strengthening bilateral military relations.

The scope of Exercise Joint Sea-2024 is comprehensive, involving both naval and aerial components. The drills include joint air defense exercises, anti-submarine drills, and artillery firing. These activities highlight the robust military capabilities of both nations and their commitment to operational interoperability.

Context and Significance

The strategic partnership between China and Russia has grown notably in recent years, driven by mutual interests and shared geopolitical challenges. This relationship has been bolstered by their opposition to U.S. influence and sanctions. The joint exercises are a testament to this strengthening alliance, particularly following the declaration of a “no limits” partnership in 2022, coinciding with Russian President Vladimir Putin’s visit to Beijing shortly before the invasion of Ukraine.

China’s stance on the Ukraine conflict has been marked by a refusal to condemn the invasion. And coupled with increased exports to Russia supporting Moscow’s war economy. This cooperation extends beyond military drills to encompass substantial trade relations, with two-way trade between China and Russia reaching a record $240.1 billion in 2023, a 26.3% increase from the previous year.

Geopolitical Implications of Exercise Joint Sea-2024

The exercises in the South China Sea are part of broader geopolitical manoeuvres. It reflects the intense strategic competition in the region. The South China Sea is a contested waterway with overlapping territorial claims. By involving China and several Southeast Asian nations, most notably the Philippines. China asserts control over almost the entire South China Sea. A claim that has led to frequent standoffs and heightened tensions.

In a parallel development, the United States and the Philippine coast guards conducted joint training exercises in the same region. This bilateral search and rescue exercise involved a U.S. Coast Guard cutter from the U.S. 7th Fleet and a Philippine patrol vessel. The operations included a joint sail, personnel transfer evolutions. And search and rescue training aimed at enhancing tactical integration between allied navies in the Indo-Pacific.

Strategic Posturing

The concurrent exercises conducted by China-Russia and the U.S.-Philippines highlight the strategic positioning of major powers in the South China Sea. U.S. Navy Captain Tyson Scofield highlighted the importance of these activities. He remarked, “We are eager to strengthen our partnership as we work to maintain a free and open Indo-Pacific.” The United States has repeatedly reaffirmed its defense commitments to the Philippines. Particularly concerning the contested Second Thomas Shoal, a focal point of recent tensions between Beijing and Manila.

Future Trajectories Following Exercise Joint Sea-2024

The deepening military cooperation between China and Russia signals a shift in the global balance of power. Their joint exercises demonstrate their military prowess. It also serves as a strategic message to the international community, particularly the US and its allies. The increasing frequency and scale of these exercises indicate a deliberate effort to counter U.S. And to influence and assert their interests in crucial areas like the South China Sea.

As China and Russia continue to strengthen their strategic partnership, the implications for regional and global security are profound. The evolving dynamics highlight the importance of diplomatic engagement and conflict prevention mechanisms. In order to address the underlying tensions and avoid potential escalations.

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